Organizations are at a crossroads, either adjust DevOps initiatives just enough to limp along with the current Application Security Testing (AST) solutions or implement new solutions that are fundamentally designed to operate better within DevOps. What does that mean for you?

What it means is organizations adopting DevOps must deeply consider what critical capabilities for application security testing (AST) are essential to getting secure software to market faster. We’ll look closely at the 10 Critical Capabilities for AST that can help organizations accelerate their DevOps initiatives, and we’ll provide recommendations on what to consider when comparing various AST solutions.

This e-book will take a closer look at why it’s important too:

  • Automate your AST solution
  • Have an integrated software composition analysis tool
  • Map an exploitable path, dev dependencies, and dependency path
  • And much more

Download now the learn more about the capabilities you should look for when considering different AST solutions.